Paragon Paths
Gray Seer
"Glory to the Horned One!"
Prerequisites: Cleric class
Special: Worships The Horned One. There must be less then 169 Gray Seers.
Avatar of the Horned One (11th level): The Gray Seer gains a +5 bonus to skills when dealing with other Skaven. Additionally, he gains +5 to saving throws vs disease and poison.
Skitterleap (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you can teleport up to 5 squares.
Divine Intervention (16th level): Any succesful attack that would bring you to 0 or less hp must be rerolled. The enemy uses the second roll, even if it's lower.
Gray Seer Prayers
Vermin Tide Gray Seer Attack 11
An unending horde of rats appear from nowhere and gnaw visciously on everything in their path, trying to satisify their unending hunger.
Encounter * Divine, Implement, Poison
Standard Action Close Blast 5
Target: Each creature in blast.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Death Frenzy Gray Seer Utility 12
You send your allies into a killing rage.
Daily * Divine
Minor Action Close Burst 10
Target: Your allies in the burst
Effect: The target deals an additional amount of damage equal to your wisdom modifier, but takes a -2 penalty to it's AC. This effect lasts until end of the encounter or until you choose to end it (as a free action).
Plague Gray Seer Attack 20
You spread a virulent plague among your enemies, one that can not be stopped and continues to spread.
Daily * Divine, Implement, Poison
Standard Action Area Burst 3 within 15 squares.
Target: Each creature in burst.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, ongoing 20 poison damage (save ends). At the begining if your turn, make a secondary attack against each creature adjacent to one or more targets taking ongoing damage (creatures taking ongoing damage are not subject to the secondary attack).
Secondary Attack: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, ongoing 20 damage (save ends). At the begining of your turn, make a secondary attack against each creature adjacent to one or more targets taking ongoing damage (creatures taking ongoing damage are not subject to the secondary attack).
Miss: Half damage, ongoing 10 damage (save ends) and no secondary attacks.
Chaos Warrior
"Blood for the Blood God!"
Prerequisites: Fighter or Warlord class, proficient with chainmail.
Special: Worships one of the Chaos gods.
Sadist (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you deal 1/2 level additional damage with all standard actions that round.
Gaze of the Gods (11th level): Gain a bonus dependent on the god you worship: Khorne - +1 bonus to attack rolls, Tzeench - replace one of your at will attack powers with an at will attack power from the cleric, warlock, or wizard power list, Nurgle - You gain two extra healing surges per day, Slaanesh - +5 saving throw bonus against charm and fear effects.
Gift of the Gods (16th level): Gain a bonus dependent on the god you worship: Khorne - When attacking a bloodied enemy, gain additional damage equal to your strength modifier, Tzeench - when you first become bloodied in an encounter, you unleash a burst or arcane energy that deals 5 + con modifier to all your enemies within 10 squares of you, Nurgle - gain an additional use of second wind per encounter, Slaanesh - you gain +4 power bonus to initiative, in addition allies adjacent to you gain +2 saving throw bonus against charm and fear effects.
Chaos Warrior Exploits
Hamstring Chaos Warrior Attack 11
You ruthlessly remove your opponent's ability to retreat.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: One Creature.
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3[W] + the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Send in the Fodder Chaos Warrior Utility 12
Whats the point of having troops if they aren't dying for you?
Encounter * Martial
Move Action Close Burst 10
Target: Each ally in burst.
Effect: The targets may take a move action as a free action. They must end their move adjacent to an enemy (if they can not end adjacent to an enemy, they do not move at all).
Daemonic Possession Chaos Warrior Attack 20
Entreating your patron for aid, he sends one of servants to aid you.
Daily * Martial, Stance, Weapon
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Your weapon increases by one die size, you gain a +2 power bonus to attack, a +4 power bonus to damage, and are immune to slow and immobilize.
"I vant to suck your blood"
Prerequisites: Been bitten by a vampire.
Embrace of Undeath (11th level): You gain darkvision, +5 to saving throws vs disease and poison, and +2 to athletics, endurance, and acrobatics checks.
Bat Wings (11th level): When you use an action point to take an extra action, you also gain speed of fly 6 until the end of your next turn.
Legacy of Von Carstein (16th level): Once per day, when you are reduced to 0 hp you may use a healing surge as a reaction. You automatically suceed on death saving throws.
Vampire Exploits
Feeding Frenzy Vampire Attack 11
The hunger for blood becomes overwhelming.
Encounter * Martial
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature.
Attack: Str, Con, or Dex +6 vs. Reflex (increases to +8 at 21)
Hit: 2D6 + str, con or dex damage, and you may spend a healing surge.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn whenever an adjacent enemy is reduced to 0 hp you may gain 5 hp or 5 temporary hp.
Special: When you select this power, choose str, con or dex.
Blood Drain Vampire Utility 12
Eyeing a moment of weakness, you drink deeply of an opponents life force.
Encounter * Arcane
Variable; see text Personal Melee
Target: An adjacent enemy.
Effect: You regain an encounter power that you have already used.
Special: If your opponent is helpless or unconscious this power takes a free action; stunned or restrained minor action; prone, dazed or immobilized move action. If the enemy is not effected by one of these conditions, you may not use this power.
Unleash the Beast Vampire Attack 20
You let your primal nature take over.
Daily * Martial
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until end of encounter, you gain +2 power bonus to attack, damage, speed, and all defenses. Additionally, whenever an adjacent enemy is reduced to 0 hp you gain a +2 attack bonus until the end of your next turn.
Chaos Sorcerer
"All praise Tzeench!"
Prerequisites: Wizard or warlock class
Special: Worships one of the Chaos Gods.
Sadist (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you deal 1/2 level additional damage with all standard actions that round.
Gaze of the Gods (11th level): Gain a bonus dependent on the god you worship: Tzeench - You gain another form of implement mastery, Nurgle - All your encounter and daily attack powers do ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends), Slaanesh - +4 power bonus to attack with fear and charm powers.
Gift of the Gods (16th level): All your encounter and daily powers that deal damage deal an extra die.
Chaos Sorcerer Spells
Bolt of Chaos Chaos Sorcerer Attack 11
You send a bolt of chaos energy at your foe.
Encounter * Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One creature.
Special: This attacks differs dependent on the god you worship
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex (Tzeench), Fortitude (Nurgle), Will (Slaanesh)
Hit: 2d8 + intelligence modifier damage.
Tzeench: Target is immobilized until the end of your next turn and knocked prone.
Nurgle: Target is weakened until the end of your next turn and takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends)
Slaanesh: Target is dazed and takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn
Mutation Chaos Sorcerer Utility 12
You reshape a body to your advantage.
Daily * Arcane
Minor Action Ranged 10
Target: You or one ally in range
Effect: Until end of the encounter, the target gains one of the following: resist 5 all damage, reach, +2 power bonus to speed, regeneration 5, immune to ongoing damage and stuns.
Wind of Chaos Chaos Sorcerer Attack 20
The raw power of chaos blows away all in it's path.
Daily * Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close Blast 10
Target: Each creature in the blast.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 5d8 + intelligence modifier damage and push 10 squares.
Miss: Half damage, and push 5 squares.
"Look Snorri, Trolls!"
Prerequisites: Fighter class
Special: Has broken an important oath, or somehow disgraced oneself.
Deathwish (11th level): Slayers wish to die, and refuse to wear armor or use a shield of any kind. You gain armor class equal to your level instead of 1/2 level, and a +5 shield bonus to ac when your offhand is free, or +3 when it is not. You also gain immunity to fear effects.
Suicidal Charge (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you may charge once as a move action during your next turn (and may still take other actions after your charge).
Mystic Tattoos (16th level): You may use your constitution as the key ability for your will defense.
Slayer Exploits
The Bigger They Are Slayer Attack 11
The harder they fall.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: One creature.
Attack: Strength vs. AC (special, see below)
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Special: You gain +1 to hit and +1 damage with this attack for each square your opponent occupies past 1.
Death is Coming Slayer Utility 12
You disregard defense to deal the maximum amount of damage to your enemy.
At Will * Martial, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: -2 to all defenses, +4 damage to all attacks.
Slayer Skill Slayer Attack 20
No matter your opponent's defenses, you manage to find a weakness.
Daily * Martial, Weapon, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: All your attacks hit on an 10 or higher (unless you would already hit on a lower number).
"Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, come on everybody it's bobsled time"
Prerequisites: Ranger or Rogue class
Feel The Rhythm (11th level): You may not wear heavy armor. You gain +1 to AC, and an additional +2 AC vs opportunity attacks.
Dance, Dance (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you gain +2 speed till the end of the encounter.
Dodging Blow (16th level): When an enemy misses you with an opportunity attack, you deal 1[W] + dexterity damage to it.
Wardancer Exploits
Weaving Dance of Death Wardancer Attack 11
You slip agilely between opponents, attacking as you go.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: Each creature adjacent to you during your move.
Attack: You may move your speed, you can make a dexterity vs AC attack against each enemy you move or start adjacent to. You may only attack each creature once.
Hit: 2[W] + dexterity modifier damage.
Dance of Speed Wardancer Utility 12
You move as fast as possible, with an odd twirling movement.
Encounter * Martial
Move Action Personal
Effect: You may move twice your speed. You gain +2 to all defenses during the move.
Off With His Head Wardancer Attack 20
You attempt to seperate the head and body of your opponent, through decapitation.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target:One creature
Attack:Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3[W] + dexterity modifier damage. If the target was bloodied before the attack, it takes +3[W] damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Special: This power deals double damage on a critical in addition to the normal effects of a critical.
"Grimnir smite my enemies!"
Prerequisites: Cleric class
Workin' In The Forge (11th level): You gain fire resistance equal to level.
Runes of Power (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, all your healing powers heal an additional d6 per tier until the end of your next turn.
Rune of Spellbreaking (16th level): Once per encounter, you may make an enemy's power have no effect as an immediate interrupt. The power must be arcane or divine in origin.
Runelord Prayers
Rune of Cleaving Runelord Attack 11
You smite your enemies and help your allies.
Encounter * Divine, Implement
Standard Action Close Blast 5
Target: Each enemy in blast.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect: Allies in the burst gain: Until end of the encounter, when you hit with an attack power, you may deal the Runelord's wisdom modifier damage to a different adjacent enemy.
Rune of Smiting Runelord Utility 12
You empower you or an ally to do more damage.
Encounter * Divine
Standard Action Melee
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target adds your wisdom modifier to damage rolls as a power bonus until the end of the encounter.
Master Rune of Swiftness Runelord Attack 20
Your rune heightens the quickness of your party.
Daily * Divine, Implement, Physical
Standard Action Close Burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst.
Effect: +2 power bonus to speed, +1 power bonus to hit, AC and reflex until end of encounter.
Temple Guard
"Will of the old ones be done!"
Prerequisites: Fighter or Paladin class
Watchful Guard (11th level): You gain Perception as a trained skill, and gain a +2 power bonus to passive perception checks. Additionally, you only suffer -2 to hit invisible opponents.
Defender (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you gain +4 to all defenses and you may use two immediate actions instead of one until the end of your next turn.
Unmovable Stone (16th level): When an effect forces you to move-through a pull, a push, or a slide, you move 2 squares less then the effect specifies. Powers can not knock you prone.
Temple Guard Exploits
Defensive Strike Temple Guard Attack 11
Your blow puts you in position to defend yourself.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: One Creature
Attack: Strength vs AC
Hit: 1[W] + strength modifier damage.
Effect: You gain a power bonus to all defenses equal to your wisdom modifier until the end of your next turn (minimum 1).
Cautious Tenacity Temple Guard Utility 12
You worry more about staying alive then killing.
Encounter * Martial, Stance
Minor Action Personal Effect: +2 power bonus to all defenses, -4 damage. Additionally, doubles the effect of the total defense action.
I Am The One You Want Temple Guard Attack 20
You politely inform your opponent that he has to deal with you first.
Daily * Martial
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: One Creature.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + strength modifier damage.
Effect: The target takes a penalty to attacks equal to your wisdom modifier on attacks that do not include you until end of the encounter (this does not work while you unconscious; however, it does not end).
White Lion
"Chrace is the place!"
Prerequisites: Ranger class
Special: You must stalk and kill a white lion unaided and wear it's pelt (it does not take up a slot).
Woodsmen (11th level): You treat dificult terrain as open ground, and gain +2 to attack animals. Additionally, your white lion pelt provides you +2 bonus to defenses against ranged attacks (but not ranged area attacks).
Lion Pouncing (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you gain +4 to attack until the end of your turn. You also always do +2 damage with charge attacks.
Bodyguard (16th level): As an immediate interrupt, trigger: an adjacent ally is the target of an attack, effect: you become the target instead.
White Lion Exploits
Woodcutter White Lion Attack 11
Sometimes you need more then one swing to cut down a tree.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: One creature.
Attack: Strength vs AC, three attacks.
Hit: 1[W] + strength modifier damage.
Lion's Roar White Lion Utility 12
You yell ferociously, inspiring you and your allies to greater heights.
Daily * Martial, Healing
Minor Action Close Burst 10
Target: You and all allies in the burst.
Effect: May spend a healing surge, gain +1 power bonus to attack until end of encounter.
Lion's Charge White Lion Attack 20
Like the hunting lion, you rush and attempt to disembowel your opponent.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: One creature.
Special: You must charge as part of this attack.
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4[W] + strength modifier damage and 10 ongoing damage (save ends). If you struck your opponent in the previous round, they get a -2 penalty to their saving throw vs the ongoing damage.
Miss: Half damage, and 5 ongoing damage (save ends).
Loremaster of Hoeth
"The white tower knows all"
Prerequisites: Wizard class
Master of Spells (11th level): You know all daily and utility wizard powers of your level and lower, but may only have one of each level prepared at one time. Also, you know double the normal number of rituals.
Sudden Knowledge (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, if you use your action to make an attack that hits, you may regain the use of an encounter power you already used.
Fury of Khaine (16th level): When you first become bloodied in an encounter, enemies within 10 squares of you take damage equal to your intelligence modifier and are knocked prone.
Loremaster of Hoeth Spells
Curse of Arrow Attraction Loremaster of Hoeth Attack 11
Like a magnet, arrows swerve towards your enemy.
Encounter * Arcane, Implement
Minor Action Ranged 20
Target: One Creature.
Attack: Intelligence vs Will.
Hit: Until end of encounter, when a ranged attack misses this creature, it may be rerolled. The second result must be used, even if it's lower.
Sudden Spellcasting Loremaster of Hoeth Utility 12
Too quickly for your enemy to to counter, you bring your magic to bear.
Encounter * Arcane
Free Action Personal
Effect: Use before using a ranged attack power. That power does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Flames of the Phoenix Loremaster of Hoeth Attack 20
Daily * Arcane, Implement, Fire
Standard Action Area Burst 4 within 20 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex.
Hit: 6d8 + intelligence modifier fire damage and ongoing 10 damage. Each round past the first the target has been on fire increases the ongoing damage by 5.
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 damage (no increase).
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